Mr Yildirim is a qualified master Architect in Turkey, and has a proven record of 17 years of experience in the Architecture sector. He came to the UK and started his own company in London.
Company Number: 12365840 CYIOPS Ltd. is a British Company providing Architectural Project and Architectural Consultacny services to clients.
Please contact us for more detailed information.
CYIOPS Since it was established, sector’s leading project and construction firms have acquired a vision is to provide added value.
It closely follows the development of the project technology in the world and aims to ensure the progress of the project and construction.
It carries out these studies in all disciplines.
We offer a broad range of professional services that combine to make a real difference to our clients and the communities in which we work.
We are providing innovative projects with creativity and passion worldwide with our designers, engineers and consultants who are planning the whole process and doing what is best for our employers to be above the expectations of them.
Since the day we were founded, we have been reflecting our quality to all our studies with our team and consultant teachers.
CYIOPS, offers a complete range of engineering competencies and technical skills, providing a joined-up approach to planning, engineering design and project delivery.
This approach supports the optimization of the design and construction process as well as life-cycle benefits and facility functional performance.